Taiga Kazama

Taiga Kazama


Taiga Kazama


Taiga Kazama

A singer-songwriter who heals everyone with music.He loved music and he noticed its healing power as he used it to heal himself.He used to be a lonely tiger who enjoyed solitude, but recently he made some friends, so he is feeling a little worried about that.


  • Male/human

  • 178cm/70kg

  • BD: 5/27

  • Live in Japan

  • ❤ hamburger, guitar

  • 🚫 fish, banana

Debut lore

Taiga has always loved music. The reason he started making music was due to the piano education that Taiga's father enforced upon him. Taiga always enjoyed music time so much.
His younger brother, Taiyou was a prodigy whom everyone referred to as a genius.
Taiyou basically resembled his mother,
Taiyou basically resembled his mother, but the rest resembled his cool-headed and strict father's personality.
Taiyou was good at studying, exercising, and easily won the favor of others. Sadly, comparison turned to his brother, Taiga.
Taiga studied more than play music because he wanted to be praised, but unfortunately, Taiga was not as smart as his younger brother.
No matter how hard he tried, He couldn't keep up with his younger brother, who was a genius. Taiga eventually always stayed in second place. His father's praise was always directed at his younger brother, and his mother strangely cared more about his brother.
Taiga's mind turned into jealousy and inferiority toward his younger brother because he was not even repaid for wanting to be loved at a young age.「I want you to disappear.」Like magic, Taiyou really died in an accident. That day, Taiga's wish came true for the first time.「I didn't mean you really died, it was just a little bit of jealousy. Is it because of me? I'm so sorry if I cursed you.」Taiga's inferiority complex was all turned into guilt.Taiga's parents fell out sharply. His father became increasingly violent more and more likely to blame Taiga.
At first, it was a scolding to do well, but it got worse and worse, and it turned into a verbal abuse that you should have died beyond comparison with your younger brother.
For the first time that day, my father hit Taiga.
Taiga had no choice but to follow his mother out of the house.
Even after leaving father's home, Taiga's adolescence was grim and didn't stop studying. He thought Taiyou would resent it somewhere if he didn't. Taiga didn't believe in ghosts, but he had nightmares every day that Taiyou ghost was looking at him in resentment somewhere.
Taiga as an adult.
He was studying and got a degree, but life was grim for some reason.
No matter how hard he studied, He doesn't know what to do or how to live.
At the musical instrument store he entered by chance, Taiga sat down with a strange longing and played the piano for the first time in a long time.
While playing the piano, he remembered playing with Taiyou when he was young.
The moment when he really liked it and were happy. Only then did he recall what he had forgotten.
「Yes, I was the happiest when I was doing music!」Taiga thinks of saving someone who feels alone like him with the power of music.
Recalling himself wanting to be himself, he once again held the guitar and stood in front of people.
「Taiyo, Are you still watching me now? This is my new beginning and my own atonement for can't saving you.」As a virtual singer-songwriter, he gives music that will touch everyone.「Whenever you think you're alone, think of me. I'll keep playing songs for you here.」

BF Luca Kaneshiro

Taiga Kazama


Taiga Kazama liked music since he was young, but he was envious of his younger brother Taiyou, who was loved for being smarter and superior. so Taiga forced himself to study.
But Taiga always defeated by his younger brother. Eventually, Taiga develops an uncontrollable sense of inferiority in his younger brother.
The desire for my younger brother to disappear was just a bad feeling of inferiority, but when his brother, who he hated so much, died in an accident. it turned into guilt as much as the size of the inferiority complex and he was broken.
But at that time, it was nothing but the music he loved that he reached out to him. After his younger brother's accident, Taiga hated humans and was scared, but he also wanted to help those who were suffering like him.
He once again stood in front of the microphone, holding the guitar in Niji EN to help someone who felt alone.
For this reason, it was difficult for Taiga, who started a VTuber who could convey his heart without revealing his appearance, to get close to anyone because of his cold appearance.However, when Taiga saw Luca Kanesiro of the same company, He felt an unknown homogeneity in his kind and friendly attitude, unlike the scary concept of a mafia boss.
Taiga said he wanted to be friends with Luca.
Luca quickly became friends with Taiga because he was a child who everyone easily became friends with, but for Taiga, it was great and meaningful.
Each of the actions he always did was new and mysterious to Taiga, and Luca, who usually did it without much consciousness, showed a new reaction every time.
In Luca's case, he was a eccentric child who could not meet his father when he was young. Luca also had a young heart that he wanted to see his father and that he needed his father because he was a child.
Taiga, who hated his father due to his father's coercive attention when he was young and remained obedient.
The two grew up in completely different environments, grew up with completely different personalities, and the odds are the opposite in a way,
They felt similar to each other and could understand each other deeply.
Luca is Taiga's first and Best Friend.
#Tailuca | #Lucazama

Taiga Kazama

Ⓒsuho_ shin _

Taiko Kazama

  • Female/human

  • 163cm

  • 5/27

  • ❤ Cute dolls, karaoke

BF Lucy kaneshiro

Taiga Kazama

Ⓒgata_cmmThe best tomboy ladies who don't know where to go.
Enjoying cutie and game.
Taiga and Luca are treated as separate characters.🐯🦁

Taiga Kazama


Taiga Honoka

He is giddy, cheeky, easily excited, and provokes his opponent.


  • Male/human

  • 178cm

  • 5/27

  • ❤ cheating

  • 🚫 Kanekuro

BF? Luca kanekuro

Taiga Kazama

@dkehdhkdHe calls Kanekuro "Virgin Boss" or "Small dick" but on the contrary, if he is called "kid," he pretends not to care and feels very bad.He teases Kanekuro, but Kanekuro doesn't really care, so he doesn't have a hit, which hurts his pride quite a bit.Taiga and Luca are treated as separate characters.🐯🦁